Santa Pack - Installation & Operator Guide
1. Update or Install Santa Software
This year, you will need to either automatically update your existing Santa Gift software or manually install the software.
1.1 Automatic Update
Automatic Update is only available if you already have the existing Santa Gift software on your IK Server.
1. To determine if you have the Santa Gift software already installed on your IK Server, go to the Windows START button, type "FujiGift" into the text box and the FujiGift icon will appear. Click to open the program and start the updating process.
2. An application install security warning prompt will appear - click install.
3. You may need to install Microsoft .NET Framework depending on your Windows version. If you see the below - click Accept
4. This will begin downloading. Once downloading is complete your computer will need to reboot - click Yes to reboot your computer.
5. Once your computer has rebooted, installation will resume - click Install.
6. When installation is completed, the software will automatically open and look like the below.
1.2 Manual Install
If you do not have the Santa Gift software installed, please follow the below steps.
1. Open up your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) and enter the following link into the web address:
2. A popup will appear at bottom of webpage - click Run.
Depending on your Windows version you may receive a "Windows protected your PC" message. To proceed, click on "More Info" and then "Run Anyway".
3. If you have a different version of windows, the popup may appear as below - click Actions.
And in the next popup, click "More Options" and "Run Anyway".
4. Your computer may potentially require the installation of Microsoft .NET Framwork will need to install - click Accept. If your computer does not display the below, skip down to Step #6.
5. This will begin downloading which needs to reboot your computer once download complete - click Yes.
6. Once your computer has rebooted, installation will resume. Next popup will ask to begin the Santa Pack Installer - click Yes
7. Winzip extractor will begin automatically.
8. Next message will ask if you want to install this application - Click Install
9. Santa Gift software will now install and once completed successfully the program will automatically open. The updated version of the Santa Gift software will appear as the below screenshot.
1.3 Settings Configuration
For both Automatic and Manual installations, you will need to configure print settings in the Santa Gift software.
The default print size setup has the 8x10, 8x12, 12x8 and 10x8 print sizes outputting to 12 inch paper. If your machine has a maximum paper width of 8 inch you will need to reconfigure the 8x10 and 8x12 print sizes to output to 8 inch paper.
To adjust the print size configuration follow the procedure outlined below or you can download a printable PDF here.
1. Click on the Settings icon in the menu and enter the password 7777.
2. Click on the print size tab to access the current settings. Use the drop down menus to change the print size associated with the 8x10 and 8x12 sizes.
12 inch paper configuration
8 inch configuration
2. Photographer Module
New for this year, a Fujigift Photographer Module will be available. This program allows for Santa images to be sent from the photographer's computer directly to the Fujigift software on your IK Server.
2.1 Module Installation
2.2 Connection to IK Server
You have 3 options to link the Photographer module to the Santa Gift software on your IK Server
2.3 Authenticate Connection
3. Santa Pack Operator Guide
You can download a printable PDF here
4. Fujifilm Technical Support
Should you have any questions or issues with the above please log a call with the friendly team at Fujifilm Technical Support at 1800 226 355 (option 2 - technical support).